jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

Comeniusmote i Belfort

The train went from Lund at two o'clock on Sunday. Six hours later we stood at Sainte-Marie arrived to Belfort. We met our French exchange families and drove home to their houses.
The next day wasn't very fun because we had to sit with our exchangestudents while they had lessons in French.
Tuesday was better because we got to walk around in town all day. But our legs hurt afterwards.
On Wednesday we went to a city nearby called Besancon. There they had a cittadelle. There was a woman there who told us the history of it. That was not so fun. She talked a little to much. After the guidetour we had time to look at the animals they had there.

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

Preparing our meeting in Belfort. We are making keynotes on clichés and our expectations upon our visits to Neumarkt and Zaragoza

miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2010


A traditional december-celebration at Fäladsgården.

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

Hauptschule West visiting Lund

Very welcome to Lund and Fäladsgården.

We are glad that you have come to us in Lund. We really enjoyed our days in Neumarkt and hope that we now can offer you days, which are as good, if possible, as those days you organised for us.

The exchanges are very important for us and we think that a student today ought to paticipate in a European exchange. In the future I´m sure that you will work either in a foreign European country or together with European colleagues. Because of that, working in the Comenius project is very important as a part of your education.

This is not only an education in different subjects. It is also an education in social culture. You will learn how we live at home in our families, what we do at school, and in our free time in the afternoons and in the evenings. I hope that you will all find Sweden and especially Lund a friendly and welcoming country and town.

When you came to your host family yesterday evening, what did you find most different if you compare to your own family. Was it us going around in the house without shoes? Different furniture? I don´t know! Only you know and I am convinced that you can talk to your host-friend about the differences and similarities that you will find in our ways of living.

In order to give you the opportunity to get to know our school we have arranged a program for you that we hope that you will enjoy and find interesting. The program is a mix between lessons at school and excursions. The lessons we have chosen for you are music, woodcraft, German and some dance. About the excursions you will go to the centre of Lund. You will visit our famous museum and the big dome. On Thursday you will have the chance to know the surroundings and the southern region of Sweden, Scania all day on a bus-tour. All days you will have your lunch here in the canteen at our school except for Thursday when your host family will give you a lunch package.

But, the most important this week is that you have fun with your Swedish friends and enjoy Lund. To enjoy Lund you need some information of Lund, and here it is. Information, a map and a small gift from Lund.

Now half of you will please follow Amanda and David and the other half will follow Mariam and Kattis when they show you our school.

Once again: very welcome to Lund and to our school Fäladsgården.

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010


The one of the pupils' logos that we finally chose was drawn by

Alexander Ekengren.

"A colurful image full of life that in a very good way describes the objectives of a Comenius project; that we all in Europe united come together in joyful ride into the future."

martes, 13 de abril de 2010


Now, the first part of the comeniuscorner is ready on Fäladsgården. All the towns are presentated in front of our library in the entrance of the school. This part is done by 8c.

Next part is to present the regions around the towns. 8d is working on that part.

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010
